

出诊地点 :
中山大学附属第一医院   脊柱外科教授
擅长 :
从事骨科临床工作 20 余年,主要致力于颈椎病,腰椎间盘突出症,青少年特发性脊柱侧凸、遗传性骨骼畸形等常见运动系统疾病的机制与临床诊治相关研究,同时擅长常规颈椎病/腰椎病的最优化治疗,擅长脊柱截骨矫形术、脊柱肿瘤完整切除、后路寰枢椎椎弓根钉固定及植骨融合术展开
简介 :
苏教授从事骨科临床工作 20 余年,主要致力于颈椎病,腰椎间盘突出症,青少年特发性脊柱侧凸、遗传性骨骼畸形等常见运动系统疾病的机制与临床诊治相关研究,同时擅长常规颈椎病/腰椎病的最优化治疗,擅长脊柱截骨矫形术、脊柱肿瘤完整切除、后路寰枢椎椎弓根钉固定及植骨融合术。2015年曾接诊一名严重神经肌肉性脊柱侧凸合并呼吸功能受限,用力肺活量(FVC)仅为18%,属于手术的绝对禁忌症。此例患者为我国首例,苏教授经过术前头环牵引及呼吸锻炼的方法,为患者施行了手术,使患者的侧凸得到了良好的纠正及呼吸功能得到了明显的增强,同时建立了该类疾病的围手术期治疗流程。苏教授十多年来收集了大量遗传性骨病的标本资源,围绕骨骼系统畸形和退变性疾病的遗传发病机制,开展了从定位基因、构建动物模型到功能分析的系列研究,形成了科学的理论体系并运用于临床优生优育,同时将精准医学理念运用于临床骨科领域。 研究方向:运动系统发育畸形与基因调控 主要教育和工作经历: 1993.09-1998.07 中山医科大学 临床医学 学士学位 2000.09-2003.07 中山大学 外科学 硕士学位,导师:黄东生 2005.09-2008.07 中山大学 骨科学 博士学位,导师:刘尚礼 1998.07-2000.08 深圳沙井人民医院 住院医师 2003.07-2009.12 中山大学附属第二医院 住院医师-主治医师 2005.07-2005.09 香港中文大学威尔斯亲王医院 进修临床医师 2009.12-2013.12 中山大学附属第一医院 副教授/副主任医师 2011.03-2013.02 美国德州大学西南医学研究中心 联合博士后培训 2013.12-至今 中山大学附属第一医院 研究员 2016.12-至今 中山大学附属第一医院 研究员/主任医师 2017.12-至今 中山大学附属第一医院 研究员/主任医师/教授 社会兼职: 国际脊柱遗传、发育和疾病研究协会(ICSGDD) 委员 国际矫形与创伤外科学会基础专业委员会 常务委员 中国康复医学会脊柱脊髓基础研究学组 委员 中华医学会骨科学分会基础学组 委员 中华医学会骨科学分会创新与转化学组 委员 广东医学会脊柱外科分会委员兼脊柱畸形学组 副组长 论著: www.yihu.com Su,Ruofan Ma, Chunhai Li, Shangli Liu, Dongsheng Huang(*). Pedicle screw fixation of the cervical spine: guidance by computed www.yihu.com orthopaedics and related research. 2007 Sep;462:99-www.yihu.com Su(#), Ru Li(#), Shangli Liu, Yan Zhou, Xinguang Wang, Nilesh Patil, Christopher www.yihu.com, Justin www.yihu.com, Dongsheng Huang(*), Yiming Wang(*). Age at onset-dependent presentations of premature hip osteoarthritis, avascular necrosis of the femoral head, or Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease in a single family, consequent upon a www.yihu.com1170Ser mutation of www.yihu.com Rheumatism.2008 Jun;58(6):1701-www.yihu.com Su(#), Liangming Zhang(#), Yan Peng, Anjing Liang, Kaili Du, Dongsheng Huang(*). A histological and ultrastructural study of femoral head cartilage in a new type II www.yihu.com Orthopaedics (SICOT).2010 Dec;34(8):1333-www.yihu.com Zhang(#), Peiqiang Su(#), Caixia Xu, Junlin Yang, Weihua Yu, Dongsheng Huang(*). Chondrogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells: a comparison between micromass and pellet culture www.yihu.com Lett. 2010 Sep;32(9):1339-www.yihu.com Xu, Peiqiang Su, Yingjun Wang, Xiaofeng Chen, Yongchun Meng, Chang Liu, Xinbing Yu, Xuhui Yang, Weihua Yu, Xiuming Zhang, Andy Peng Xiang(*). A novel biomimetic composite scaffold hybridized with mesenchymal stem cells in repair of rat bone defects www.yihu.com Of Biomedical Materials Research A. 2010 Nov;95(2):495-www.yihu.com Zhang, Peiqiang Su(*), Caixia Xu, Changhua Chen, Anjing Liang, Kaili Du, Yan Peng, Dongsheng Huang(*).Melatonin inhibits adipogenesis and enhances osteogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells by suppressing PPARγ expression and enhancing Runx2 www.yihu.com Of Pineal Research.2010 Nov;49(4):364-72 www.yihu.com Xu, Peiqiang Su, Xiaofeng Chen, Yongchun Meng, Weihua Yu, Andy Peng Xiang, Yingjun Wang(*). Biocompatibility and osteogenesis of biomimetic Bioglass-Collagen-Phosphatidylserine composite scaffolds for bone tissue www.yihu.com. 2011 Feb;32(4):1051-8 www.yihu.com Pei, Yiming Wang, Weijun Huang, Bin Hu, Dongsheng Huang, Yan Zhou, Peiqiang Su(*).Novel mutations of EXT1 and EXT2 genes among families and sporadic cases with multiple www.yihu.com Testing and Molecular Biomarkers. 2010 Dec;14(6):865-www.yihu.com Su(#), Hongke Ding(#), Dongsheng Huang, Yan Zhou, Weijun Huang, Liangying Zhong, Tim J Vyse, Yiming Wang(*). A 4.6 kb genomic duplication on 20p12.2-12.3 is associated with brachydactyly type A2 in a Chinese www.yihu.com Med Genet. 2011 May;48(5):312-www.yihu.com Huang, Kaili Du, Shingxing Zeng, Wenjie Gao, Lingzhi Huang, Peiqiang Su (*). The security analysis of transpedicular screw fixation in the lower cervical spine and a case www.yihu.com (Phila Pa 1976). 2011 Dec 15;36(26):E1702-8. 1www.yihu.com Su(#), Wentong Zhang(#), Yan Peng, Anjing Liang, Kaili Du, Dongsheng Huang(*). Use of computed tomographic reconstruction to establish the ideal entry point for pedicle screws in idiopathic www.yihu.com Spine Journal. 2012 Jan;21(1):23-www.yihu.com Peng(#), Guoyan Liang(#), Yuanyuan Pei, Wei Ye, Anjing Liang, Peiqiang Su (*). Genomic polymorphisms of G-Protein Estrogen Receptor 1 are associated with severity of adolescent idiopathic www.yihu.com Orthopaedics (SICOT) .2012 Mar;36(3):671-7 www.yihu.com Liang(#), Wenjie Gao(#), Anjing Liang, Wei Ye,Yan Peng, Liangming Zhang, Swarkar Sharm, Peiqiang Su (*), Dongsheng Huang(*).Normal leptin expression, lower adipogenic ability, decreased leptin receptor and hyposensitivity to leptin in adolescent idiopathic www.yihu.com One. 2012,7(5): www.yihu.com Zhang(#), Jinling Zhang(#), You Ling, Changhua Chen, Anjing Liang,Yan Peng, Hong Chang, Peiqiang Su (*), Dongsheng Huang(*). Sustained release of melatonin from poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microspheres to induce osteogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells in www.yihu.com Of Pineal Research. 2013,54:24–www.yihu.com Gao(#), Yan Peng(#), Guoyan Liang, Anjing Liang, Wei Ye, Liangming Zhang, Swarkar Sharma, Peiqiang Su(*), Dongsheng Huang(*). Association between Common Variants near LBX1 and Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Replicated in the Chinese Han www.yihu.com One. 2013, 8(1): www.yihu.com Gao(#), Mianlong Lin(#), Anjing Liang(#), Liangming Zhang,Changhua Chen, Guoyan Liang, Caixia Xu, Yan Peng, ChongChen, Dongsheng Huang(*), Peiqiang Su (*). Melatonin enhances chondrogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem www.yihu.com Of Pineal Research. 2014, 56(1):62-www.yihu.com Liang(#), Chengjie Lian(#), Di Huang, Wenjie Gao, Anjing Liang, Yan Peng, Wei Ye, Zizhao Wu, Peiqiang Su(*),Dongsheng Huang(*). Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Unfolding Protein Response-Apoptosis Cascade Causes Chondrodysplasia in a col2a1 www.yihu.com1170Ser Mutated Mouse www.yihu.com One. 2014,9(1):www.yihu.com Wang(#), Peiqiang Su(#), Bin Hu(#), Wenjuan Zhu(#), Qibin Li, Ping Yuan, Jiangchao Li, Xinyuan Guan, Fucheng Li, Xiangyi Jing, Ru Li, Yongling Zhang, Claude Férec, David www.yihu.com, Jun Wang, Dongsheng Huang(*), Jian-Min Chen(*), Yiming Wang(*). Characterization of 26 deletion CNVs reveals the frequent occurrence of micro-mutations within the breakpoint-flanking regions and frequent repair of double-strand breaks by templated insertions derived from remote genomic www.yihu.com Genetics; June 2015, Volume 134, Issue 6, pp 589-www.yihu.com Su (#), Ye Wang(#), David www.yihu.com, Wenjuan Zhu, Dongsheng Huang, Claude Férec, Yiming Wang, Jian-Min Chen(*). Disclosing the Hidden Structure and Underlying Mutational Mechanism of a Novel Type of Duplication CNV Responsible for Hereditary Multiple www.yihu.com Mutation; 2015 Aug;36(8):758-www.yihu.com Lian(#),Zizhao Wu(#),Bo Gao(#),Yan Peng,Anjing Liang,Caixia Xu,Lei Liu,XianjianQiu,Junjun Huang,Hang Zhou,Yifeng Cai, Peiqiang Su (*), Dongsheng Huang(*).Melatonin reversed tumor necrosis factor- alpha- inhibited osteogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells bystabilizing SMAD1 www.yihu.com Of Pineal Research. 2016 Oct;61(3):317-www.yihu.com Cai ,Jiaquan Luo ,Junjun Huang,Chengjie Lian, Hang Zhou,Hao Yao, Peiqiang Su (*).Interspinous spacers versus posterior lumbar interbody fusion for degenerative lumbar spinal diseases: a meta-analysis of prospective www.yihu.com Orthopaedics (SICOT) 2016 Jun;40(6):1135-42 www.yihu.com Chen(#), Caixia Xu(#), Taifeng Zhou, Bo Gao, Hang Zhou, Changhua Chen, Changli Zhang, Dongshen Huang(*), Peiqiang Su (*). Abnormal osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells from patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in response to www.yihu.com medicine reports. 2016 Aug;14(2):1201-www.yihu.com Gao, Wenjie Gao, Chong Chen, Qinghua Wang, Shaochun Lin, Caixia Xu, Dongsheng Huang, Peiqiang Su(*)What is the Difference in Morphologic Features of the Thoracic Pedicle Between Patients With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis and Healthy Subjects? A CT-based Case-control www.yihu.com Orthopaedics and Related Research.2017 Nov;475(11):2765-www.yihu.com Gao(#), Chong Chen(#), Taifeng Zhou(#), Shulan Yang, Bo Gao, Hang Zhou, Chengjie Lian, Zizhao Wu, Xianjian Qiu, Xiaoming Yang, Esam Alattar, Wentao Liu, Deying Su, Silong Sun, Yulan Chen, Kenneth www.yihu.com, Youqiang Song, Keith www.yihu.com, Danny Chan, Pak Chung Sham, Chao Xing, Chiea Chuen Khor, Gabriel Liu, Junlin Yang, Yubin Deng, Dingjun Hao, Dongsheng Huang, Quan-Zhen Li, Caixia Xu(*), Peiqiang Su (*).Rare coding variants in MAPK7 predispose to adolescent idiopathic www.yihu.com Mutation. 2017 Nov;38(11):1500-www.yihu.com Lian(#), Bo Gao(#), Zizhao Wu, Xianjian Qiu, Yan Peng, Anjing Liang, Caixia Xu(*), Peiqiang Su (*), Dongsheng www.yihu.com type II is downregulated in the degenerative nucleus pulposus and contributes to the degeneration and apoptosis of human nucleus pulposus www.yihu.com Med Rep. 2017 Oct;16(4):4730-www.yihu.com Han(#), Yongqian Wang(#), Shangbin Cui, Caixia Xu(*), Peiqiang Su (*), Successful surgery for a neuromuscular scoliosis patient by pulmonary rehabilitation with forced vital capacity below 30%. European Spine Journal. 2018 Jan 16.[Epub ahead of print] www.yihu.com Zhou(#), Yongqian Wang(#), Hang Zhou(#), Zhiheng Liao, Bo Gao, Deying Su, Shuhui Zheng,Caixia Xu(*), Peiqiang Su (*). Dual novel mutations in SLC26A2 in two siblings with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia 4 from a Chinese family: a case www.yihu.com Medical Genetics. 2018 May 3;19(1):www.yihu.com Gao(#), Wenjie Gao(#), Zizhao Wu(#), Taifeng Zhou, Xianjian Qiu, Xudong Wang, Chengjie Lian, Yan Peng, Anjing Liang, Jincheng Qiu, Yuanxin Zhu, Caixia Xu, Yibing Li, Peiqiang Su (*), Dongsheng Huang(*). Melatonin rescued interleukin 1β-impaired chondrogenesis of human mesenchymal stem www.yihu.com Cell Research & Therapy.2018 Jun 14;9(1):www.yihu.com Zhou(#),Chong Chen(#),Caixia Xu(#),Hang Zhou,Bo Gao,Deying Su,Zhiheng Liao,Yongyong Li,Shulan Yang, Peiqiang Su (*),Mutant MAPK7-Induced Idiopathic Scoliosis is Linked to Impaired www.yihu.com Physiology and Biochemistry. 2018 Jul 20;48(3):880-890 www.yihu.com Wu(#), Xianjian Qiu(#), Bo Gao(#), Chengjie Lian, Yan Peng, Anjing Liang, Caixia Xu, Wenjie Gao, Liangming Zhang, Peiqiang Su, Limin Rong(*), Dongsheng Huang(*).Melatonin-mediated miR-526b-3p and miR-590-5p upregulation promotes chondrogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem www.yihu.com Of Pineal Research. 2018 Aug;65(1):www.yihu.com Zheng(#),Hang Zhou(#),Zhuohui Chen, Yongyong Li, Taifeng Zhou, Chengjie Lian, Bo Gao, Peiqiang Su(*),Caixia Xu(*). Type III Transforming Growth Factor-β Receptor RNA Interference (RNAi) Enhances TGF-β3-induced Chondrogenesis Signaling in Human Mesenchymal Stem www.yihu.com Cells Internation. 2018; 2018: www.yihu.com Zheng(#),Hang Zhou(#),Bo Gao, YongyongLi, Zhiheng Liao, Taifeng Zhou, Chengjie Lian, Zizhao Wu, Deying Su, Tingting Wang,Peiqiang Su(*),Caixia Xu(*). Estrogen promotes the onset and development of idiopathic scoliosis via disproportionate endochondral ossification of the anterior and posterior column in a bipedal rat www.yihu.com & Molecular Medicine. 2018 Nov; 50(11): 144. 其他主要工作成绩(比如获奖情况): 1、X基因突变引起特发性脊柱侧凸的发生--COA赵以甦骨科基础奖二等奖 2014年 2、中山大学实习医生临床技能大赛--"教官组"特等奖 2013年 3、股骨颈骨折外科治疗的基础与临床研究--广州市科技进步二等奖2008年(第八名) 4、新技术治疗退变性腰椎间盘病的基础与临床研究--广东省科技进步二等奖2006年(第七名) 展开

中山大学附属第一医院  脊柱外科教授











