

出诊地点 :
暨南大学附属第一医院   风湿科门诊
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简介 :
个人简介 曾珊,医学博士,副主任医师,硕士研究生导师,2017年于中山大学内科学博士毕业后一直从事风湿病学临床工作及研究,目前在国内外重要刊物发表文章17篇,其中以第一作者、通讯作者发表SCI收录论文13篇,主持包括国自然基金等各级基金课题3项。荣获暨南大学“优秀青年教师”、医院“科研工作先进个人”“医疗护理工作先进个人”等系列称号。研究方向:eEF2K在类风湿关节炎疾病发生发展中的作用机制研究,类风湿关节炎中与T细胞相关的生物标志物研究,类风湿关节炎先天免疫基因的分析及潜在治疗作用,BRD4蛋白调控浆细胞分化及对系统性红斑狼疮的治疗潜力。擅长疾病:类风湿关节炎、系统性红斑狼疮、强直性脊柱炎、痛风、骨关节炎、骨质疏松症、系统性硬化、干燥综合征、多发性肌炎、皮肌炎、成人Still病、幼年特发性关节炎、银屑病性关节炎、混合结缔组织病、抗磷脂抗体综合征、白塞病、血管炎等各类风湿病的规范化诊治、研究和教学。 擅长类风湿关节炎、系统性红斑狼疮、强直性脊柱炎、痛风、骨关节炎、骨质疏松症、系统性硬化、干燥综合征、多发性肌炎、皮肌炎、成人Still病、幼年特发性关节炎、银屑病性关节炎、混合结缔组织病、抗磷脂抗体综合征、白塞病、血管炎等各类风湿病的诊治。学术任职 广东省精准医学应用学会高尿酸血症与痛风分会秘书 广东省精准医学应用学会自身免疫病分会委员 广东省老年保健协会风湿免疫专委会第一届委员 广东省临床医学学会风湿免疫专委会第一届青年委员 广东省医疗行业协会风湿免疫分会第一届青年委员 广东省保健协议风湿免疫分会第一届委员 广东省中西医结合学会风湿病专业委员会委员 主研方向 eEF2K在类风湿关节炎疾病发生发展中的作用机制研究,类风湿关节炎中与T细胞相关的生物标志物研究,类风湿关节炎先天免疫基因的分析及潜在治疗作用,BRD4调控外周浆细胞分化及对系统性红斑狼疮的治疗潜力。 获奖情况 暨南大学“优秀青年教师”培养支持对象;2019年获评暨南大学附属第一医院“科研工作先进个人”、“医疗护理工作先进个人”。 学术论著 www.yihu.com Li1,Shulin Chen2,3, Weiqing Deng4, Zhaohui Gong2,5, Yu Guo1,7, Shan Zeng6,7, and Qiang Xu2,3,7 Kaempferol Attenuates Gouty Arthritis by Regulating the Balance of Th17/Treg Cells and Secretion of IL-17. 14 June www.yihu.com Zhao1? , Jie Ren2? , Siping Xie3?, Longchun Zou4 , Qianyue Zhao5, Shan Zeng2* and Dingsheng Zha1*. Identification of biomarkers associated with CD8+ T cells in rheumatoid arthritis and their pan-cancer www.yihu.com In Immunology . 24 NOV www.yihu.com Li a, 1, Xiaojuan Li a, 1, Lijuan Deng a, 1, Haixin Yang a, Zhaohui Gong b, Qiang Wang c, Dongmei Pan d, ?, Shan Zenge, ?, Jiaxu Chena, ?. 6-Shogaol inhibits the proliferation, apoptosis, and migration of rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes via the PI3K/AKT/NF-κB pathway。www.yihu.com www.yihu.com Zenga,b,1, Qian Qiua,1, Yi Zhoub,1, Youjun Xiaoa, Jingnan Wanga, Ruiru Lia, Siqi Xua, Maohua Shia, Cuicui Wangc, Yu Kuanga, Minxi Laoa, Xiaoyan Caic, *, Liuqin Lianga, * Hanshi Xua,*.The suppression of Brd4 inhibits peripheral plasma cell differentiation and exhibits therapeutic potential for systemic lupus www.yihu.com www.yihu.com www.yihu.com Zhao1?, Shaojie He1?, Sheng Tang1?, Xiaofeng Lai1, Jie Ren2, XinCheng Yu1, Jinhua Lin1, Mohan Wang3, Mariya www.yihu.com Akkawi4, Shan Zeng2* and Dingsheng Zha1*. CLP1 is a Prognosis-Related Biomarker and Correlates With Immune Infiltrates in Rheumatoid www.yihu.com In Pharmacology , 01 June www.yihu.com Zhao1?, ShaoJie He2?, XinCheng Yu1?, XiaoFeng Lai1?, Sheng Tang3, El Akkawi Mariya M. 4, MoHan Wang 1, Hai Yan 5, XingQi Huang 6, Shan Zeng 7* and DingSheng Zha1*. Analysis and Experimental Validation of Rheumatoid Arthritis Innate Immunity Gene CYFIP2 and Pan-www.yihu.com In Immunology , 11 JUL www.yihu.com Huang*,K Wu*,S Zeng*,W Liu,T Cui,Z Chen,L Lin,D Chen,H www.yihu.com Inhibited Inflammation and Migration of Fibroblast-Like Synoviocytes Through NF-κB Pathway in the Experimental Study of Rheumatoid www.yihu.com of Inflammation Research, www.yihu.com www.yihu.com Shan#, Wang Kefeng#, Huang Mingcheng#, Ou Qian, Xiao Youjun, Shi Maohua,Zou Yaoyao, Yang Xiuyan, Xu Hanshi, Liang Liuqin*, Halofuginone inhibits TNF-α-induced the migration and proliferation of fibroblast-like synoviocytes from rheumatoid arthritis patients, International Immunopharmacology, 2017, 43: 187 –www.yihu.com Dongying#,Zeng Shan#, Huang Mingcheng#, Xu Hanshi, Liang Liuqin*, Yang Xiuyan, Role of Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 5(PRMT5) in Inflammation and Migration of fibroblast-like synoviocytes in rheumatoid www.yihu.com of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 2017, 21(4): 781-www.yihu.com Mingcheng#,Zeng Shan#, Zou Yaoyao#, Shi Maohua, Qiu Qian, Xiao Youjun, Chen Guoqiang, Yang Xiuyan, Liang Liuqin, Xu Hanshi*, The suppression of bromodomain and extra-terminal domain inhibits vascular inflammation by blocking NF-κB and MAPK www.yihu.com Journal of Pharmacology, 2017, 174(1): 101 -www.yihu.com Mingcheng#,Zeng Shan#, Qiu Qian, Xiao Youjun, Shi Maohua, Zou Yaoyao, Yang Xiuyan, Xu Hanshi, Liang Liuqin*, Niclosamide induces apoptosis inhumanrheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes, International Immunopharmacology, 2016, 31: 45-9. (IF:2.956). www.yihu.com Yaoyao#,Zeng Shan#, Huang Mingcheng#, Qiu Qian, Xiao Youjun, Shi Maohua, Zhan Zhongping, Liang Liuqin, Yang Xiuyan, Xu Hanshi*, Inhibition of 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase suppresses fibroblast-like synoviocytes- mediated synovial inflammation and joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis, British Journal of Pharmacology, 2017, 174(9): 893-www.yihu.com Mingcheng#, Wang Lihui#,Zeng Shan#, Qiu Qian, Zou Yaoyao, Shi Maohua, Xu Hanshi, Liang Liuqin*, Indirubin inhibits the migration, invasion, and activation of fibroblast-like synoviocytes from rheumatoid arthritis patients, Inflamm Res, 2017, 66(5): 433-440. 展开

暨南大学附属第一医院  风湿科门诊






